Announcement: 2021 Book series:
Signs of Humanity. Volume One: Canada Rocks
Random pages from the Book.
Book: 144 pages, 7″x7″,
This book series:
Title: Signs of Our Humanity. This is a ‘feel good’ book series by Lorraine Parow.
This series is a documentary photo series created during the pandemic quarantine.
Volume One: Canada Rocks is a story to help keep us inspired and encouraged during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.
With Canada Rocks Parow gives us a glimpse of our humanity despite the pandemic. Canada Rocks is photography and written inspirations about a random act of uplifting public rock art.
You can flip this little book open anywhere and get a daily inspiration, or read the story from the beginning as it evolves.
In this enchanting little book be sure to see how this inspired collection grows from 50 to 400 rocks in Canada Rocks.