Guess what. It’s now available on Amazon
Gesture 1. Canada Rocks has been reviewed and is now available on Amazon for order. Search for: ISBN # 9781777472481Or search for the Title: Gesture 1. Canada Rocks
Gesture 1. Canada Rocks has been reviewed and is now available on Amazon for order. Search for: ISBN # 9781777472481Or search for the Title: Gesture 1. Canada Rocks
To protect this project the above image is low resolution.Open call to participate in this portrait project. Project: ‘Unsere Heimat Children Of War Then and Now’ Description: Each person, a volunteer for their portrait, was asked to identify a childhood memory that has influenced and/or shaped their lives. These written answers are included as part…
'because I Love Her' Project: because I Love Her’ Artist Statement: With these portraits I seek to unveil the spirit of our human instinct to create connections. Connections that not only eradicate perceived differences but also collectively unite us differently. This portfolio: ‘because I Love Her’ are people portraits. They are colourful character-filled portraits of…
oh-oh this new web site escaped me in 2022. Will start in 2023. With several COLOUR (RGB) art projects underway I have found that it would be necessary to launch a fourth web site dedicated to this work. In some way I will endeavour to eek out time to edit these projects and present them on…
Covid-19 2020: With meteorologist suddenly forced to report from their homes I was inspired to go outside to report the weather from ‘the field’. As a photographer, I’m not normally the subject being photographed but I wanted to HELP. I mustered up the courage and began to do selfie videos and still images. I want to…
2020 WINNER The 4 winning images are: Honorable Mention in Photojournalism. TITLE: Trapped in a small concrete prison cell longing for freedomNominee in Fine Art. TITLE: Cast Me 1Nominee in Photojournalism. TITLE: Nuclear Potato PickingNominee in Silhouette. TITLE: Live fly by
With meteorologist suddenly forced to report from their homes I was inspired to go outside and make an attempt to report the weather from ‘the field’. Not normally I’m never-ever ‘the subject’ being photographed, but I wanted to HELP. So I mustered my courage and began to do video and still selfies. I am doing…
To: parowpictures 6,418 entries were received from 73 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done! The following three images were selected Nominee in Nude | Cast Me Honorable Mention in Fashion | Cinderella’s Dream Begins Honorable Mention in Silhouette | Wind In My Face ONLINE BOOK from…